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When credit-cards are maxed out with interest rates through the roof and the bills just keep coming, it can feel like everything is spiraling out of control with no way out.

Dealing with the stress of unpaid debt can sometimes lead people to think about bankruptcy or debt consolidation, however that can often lead to situations that leave us worse off.

However, did you know that there is an alternative way to address money issues without taking on new debt or damaging your financial future forever? It’s called “debt negotiation”.

This is something you can do yourself if you consider yourself a good negotiator or you can have a professional debt settlement company do it for you in order to reduce the amount of money you have to pay back.

This might sound too good to be true, but it’s actually real.

How It Works

1 – Debt negotiation is different than debt consolidation

The process starts when you call a debt settlement company and tell them about your situation. You give the names of the creditors and the amount you owe. The debt settlement company then gives you an estimate for reducing your debt along with a new, lower monthly payment.

Going this route, you are able to reduce the amount you owe without having to take out a loan that could end up costing you more in the long run.

2 – You don’t pay unless it works

There are no upfront fees because the debt settlement companies are actually not legally allowed to charge you until they are able to bring your debt down.

When you call and find out if they can help you, they’ll offer a free savings estimate with one low program payment.

The debt settlement company puts your monthly payments into a savings account in your name and is overseen by a trustee. Once the account has grown to a certain amount, the debt settlement company calls your creditors and begins negotiating a settlement.

The settlement is an amount lower than your full outstanding balance.

3 – Talk with a real person

It’s not fun seeing the interest rack up month after month or having to deal with embarrassing collection calls. Many in this situation have started their journey towards a debt-free life with a free savings estimate.

Whether you’re looking for a lower payment, considering bankruptcy alternatives, or want to escape the minimum payment trap to gain control of your financial future…

The first step towards peace of mind with overwhelming debt is to talk with a real person to see how they can help. If you have more than $10,000+ in credit card debt and/or personal loans & are employed full-time, please call (210) 871-8727 now to see if you qualify. No commitment.

Questions? Call (210) 871-8727 now to get a free savings estimate in minutes. Lines are open Monday-Thursday 9am-5pm EST and Fridays from 9am-3pm EST.

*If line is busy, keep trying until you connect with someone.