Privacy Policy

This privacy policy (“Privacy Policy”) describes the privacy practices of (“,” “we,” “us,” or “our”) with respect to the information we collect on our website at (the “Site”) as well as information that we or our clients (advertisers or publishers) may collect on other websites in which our advertising technology appears. We are a provider of advertising technology and advertisements that blend and appear to be “native” to the content in which they are delivered (these services are described on our Site and are collectively referred to as the “ features”). supports industry self-regulation and adheres to applicable industry guidelines. adheres to Digital Advertising Alliance (“DAA”) principles and guidelines. adheres to the IAB Code of Conduct, and the Self-Regulatory Principles for Online Behavioral Advertising. If you have any questions regarding this information or our privacy practices, please see the section entitled “Questions? Contact Us” at the end of this privacy statement. This privacy statement is effective as of January, 2018.

What Information Does Collect? does not collect personally identifiable information unless our visitors voluntarily provide it to us. We do, however, collect certain types of information and ask for personal information in certain circumstances, such as when you set up an account or optin to our newsletter. The following sections describe what type of information we collect, when we collect it and how we use it.

In order to use certain functionality of the features, you will have to optin to our email newsletter or purchase digital products which will require you to submit certain personal information, such as name, e-mail address, phone number, address and other information, such as payment information if purchasing a paid product or service.


Cookies are small bits of electronic information that a website can transfer to a visitor’s hard drive to help tailor and keep records of his or her visit to the site. The use of cookies is standard on the Internet and many websites use them. Cookies allow website operators to better customize visits to the site to the visitor’s individual preferences. For example, by setting a cookie you would not have to enter information in the Site more than once, thereby saving time. We do not receive or record any personal information in the cookies we use.

How Do We Use The Information You Provide Us?

We use your personal information, such as your name, address, billing and mailing address and credit card number, for billing purposes when we charge you for the use of your account. We also will use your email address to contact you when we provide customer support.

In addition, from time to time, we may also use your email address to send you information on updates to the features, or if you choose to be included, to alert you to offerings from other companies that we are affiliated with. To opt in to receiving these emails, please see the section below titled “How do you opt in to receiving communications?”

We may also compile and provide aggregated information about our visitors to outside parties from time to time. For further details, please see the section below titled “Does disclose the information it collects from its visitors to outside parties?”

We may use the information we collect to tailor your experience through the features by displaying content according to your interests and preferences, providing a faster method for you to access your account and submit information to us, and allowing us to contact you, if necessary.

How Does Protect Customer Information?

We implement a variety of security measures to ensure the security of your personal information on our systems. User personal information is contained behind secured networks and is only accessible by a limited number of employees who have special access rights to such systems. Any credit card information you supply us is transmitted and protected via Secure Socket Layer technology (“SSL”) and HTTPS protocol and then stored into our databases to be accessed only as stated above.

Does Disclose The Information It Collects From Its Visitors To Outside Parties?

We may disclose a consumer’s personally identifiable information in order to effect or carry out any transaction that you have requested of us or as necessary to complete our contractual obligations with you. The personal information collected on this site and by third parties will be used to operate the site and to provide the services or products or carry out the transactions you have requested or authorized.

We Reserve The Right To, Share, Sell, Rent Or Otherwise Transfer/Disclose Your Personal Information To Third Parties For Any Purpose In Our Sole Discretion In Accordance With Applicable Laws. We prohibit the sale or transfer of personal information to non-affiliated entities for their use without giving you the opportunity to opt-out. We may share your personally identifiable information with affiliated companies that are directly or indirectly controlled by, or under common control of We may send personally identifiable information about you to non-affiliated companies that are not directly or indirectly controlled by, or under common control of,

We may use this personally identifiable information for auditing, research and analysis to operate and improve’s technologies and services. We may change or broaden the use of your personal information at any time. We may use your personal information to provide customized content, promotional offers to individuals by means of email advertising, telephone marketing, direct mail marketing, banner advertising, and other possible uses. may also share aggregated information that does not identify you, the consumer, with outside companies. “Aggregated Information” refers to information gathers by aggregating non-personally identifiable information to provide summaries of use of the website. The aggregated information is used to show usage patterns and to do such things as negotiate with vendors of internet services. Such Information is not linked to the consumer’s personal information.

We may provide your personal information to companies that provide services to help us with our business activities, such as responding to your inquiries, offering customer service, or processing payments. These companies are authorized to use your information only as necessary to provide these services to us. In addition, in the event goes through a business transition, such as a merger, being acquired by another company, or selling a portion of its assets, visitors’ information will, in most instances, be part of the assets transferred. Visitors will be notified via prominent notice on the Site for 30 days prior to a change of ownership or control of information of users held by us. If as a result of the business transition, information will be used for a purpose different from that stated, or implied, at the time of collection users will be given a choice consistent with our notification of changes section.

Notwithstanding any other term of this privacy statement, we may release any personal information we obtain or collect when we believe its release is appropriate to comply with the law, enforce our Site policies, or protect ours or others’ rights, property, or safety.

Should you change your mind about the information you’ve provided to us, should you no longer wish to receive information from us, or should your information change, we have provided a way for you to correct, update or remove the personal data you gave us. For further details please see the section below titled “How do you change the information we have for you?”

How Do You Opt In To Receiving Communications?

In order to opt in to receiving email notifications and updates, you can optin on our homepage

How Do You Change The Information We Have For You?

To update, modify or delete the information that we have on file for your account, simply email Please note that we require some personal information for billing purposes. If you wish to delete your name, telephone number, email address, billing or mailing address or credit card number, you will be required to terminate your account.

Third Party Links And Co-Brand Relationships.

In an attempt to provide increased value to our visitors, we may choose various third party websites to link to, and frame within, the Site or to display or promote as part of the features,. We also participate in co-branding and other relationships to offer e-commerce and other services and features to our visitors. However, even if the third party is affiliated with us, we have no control over these linked sites, each of which has separate privacy and data collection practices independent of us. Data collected by our co-brand partners or third party websites (even if offered on or through our site) may not be received by us. As such, we have no responsibility or liability for these independent policies or actions, and are not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of any such websites. These linked sites are only for your convenience and you therefore access them at your own risk. Nonetheless, we seek to protect the integrity of the features, and the links placed upon each of them, and therefore request any feedback on not only features,, but for sites each links to as well (including if a specific link does not work).

Notification Of Changes.

By visiting the Site or using the features, you consent to the collection and use of information by us as set forth in this privacy statement. If we decide to change our privacy statement, we will post those changes within this page so our users are always aware of what information we collect, how we use it, and under what circumstances, if any, we disclose it.

Terms And Conditions

Please also read the Terms of Use establishing the use, disclaimers, and limitations of liability governing the use of the Site and the features.